Friday, December 12, 2008

Real Texan or Mid-life decide

I don't even know where to begin with Don's latest purchase. But I'll start with a little background so you can fully appreciate the entire story. About 8 months ago, Don's Honda Accord was on it's last legs and he began the search for a used car. He ended up finding a Mazda 3 for sale by owner and took a few weeks to work out the deal. So one day I pull up in the driveway to see him unloading the junk from his trunk while two men were standing there waiting. He had sold the Honda without getting the Mazda. So, he tells me "it was a good deal and I had to take it today." So he thinks he'll get the Mazda in a couple of days. Well, it took almost a month because of title problems, and we were a one car family. He was excited because it was a stick shift and he thought it was cool and made him feel young. Now to bring you up to the present........

Last week he starts looking at truck ads and saying "they're practically giving away trucks, I've always wanted a truck!". I give my wise wifely advice and tell him "to proceed with caution", "this is not practical", "can we afford this", yada... yada ....yada. I begin to see the twinkle in his eyes and know there is no stopping him. The girls start teasing him that he's going through a mid-life crisis. So I tell him, if you can make a deal with no change in our car payment you can do it (thinking, no way can this happen).

WELL.....I pick the girls up from school on Wednesday and we head to the mall for Katie's eye exam and then we did some shopping. When we got home we saw to our surprise a red truck in the driveway. The girls start yelling "Daddy's having a mid-life crisis!!!". I just shake my head and think "he really needs another man around so he'll quit doing these crazy things!" He just keeps saying "I'm a real Texan now!" But I don't chastise him because he looks like a little boy on Christmas morning. I guess sometimes I just need to let him have his "manly impulse moments" as long as they don't put us in total financial jeopardy. For all of you men out there, it is a Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab.

My only negative comment was that his last surprise he brought home ended up costing us $2,000 in vet bills. That's a whole other story involving the white lab dog he brought home from the animal shelter (see our Christmas card). Yes, he brought home a dog without anyone knowing. You gotta love him!


Beth Birchfield said...

Oh My Lord!!! I say He's having a Midlife Crisis HaHa.. The truck looks pretty and nice color also!! One thing I hope he won't end up doing is wearing tight clothes and becoming a cowboy!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!