Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A week of grief

What a week the Riley family has had. Last Wednesday morning I got a call from Don saying our friend Tony Johann had died. He had been undergoing cancer treatment, but no one was expecting him to die. He was 48 years old and shared the same birthday as Don - that was surreal to read in the obituary February 11, 1961. Then on Thursday night my Mom called to tell me that my cousin's 40 year old husband died. Maybe a heart attack, but don't know yet. I'm still in shock that two young fathers are gone. I've never had to try and schedule our time for two funerals in a matter of 24 hours. Right now I can't even express in words the grief our family feels. Please pray for both families. My cousin is Lori and her children are Hayden (1o) and Lauren (6). My other cousin Melany just posted on her blog and her words so capture my thoughts (click on her blog under "blogs I read"). Give your husband a hug today. Hold on to your children. Make sure you know your eternal destination. Life is way too short.

Here are the latest pictures of Sarah and Katie. Aren't they growing up so fast? For my friends who have small kids - cherish the days with them because they do grow up in the blink of an eye. I realize I only have a few short years left for them to be under my roof. I pray I will make the most of that time to guide them to become godly women.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Something's wrong with this picture!

So here's a peek at what our Wii family looks like....do you see the resemblance? Well, I'm here to tell you that I'm in need of encouragement. I've been faithfully tracking my weight on the Wii Fit since January. I've been doing Weight Watchers for the same amount of time as well. I've been working out (on the Wii Fit and the gym) and have lost 15 pounds and almost 2 sizes. Yet this Wii "game" still calls me overweight, and I'm the chubby one of the Mii family!!!! How's a girl supposed to stay motivated? I'm very excited over my progress and the pounds and inches that have been lost. I'm still struggling to lose those last 5 pounds to reach my personal goal and doctors' advice (not to mention the Wii will finally tell me "normal weight"). Please cheer me on! Pray for me to finally stick to a healthier lifestyle. I don't think I have the option of returning to my old ways since I'm firmly stuck in the over 40 category, and according to my doctors, this is just part of the aging process - which is how I put on 20 pounds in the blink of an eye. Why do I see so many skinny 40 somethings at church? Do they have better genetics than I do? I'm looking forward to my new resurrection body, but until then, I'm praying to stay healthier and happier with this old body!